It’d be great if Mai Tais stayed with us! Although, there goes my office. With Zoe gone, I’ve been working in her room…

Oh, and because I kept getting interrupted, I figured I would put the joke itself in blue text. This is more for my sake than anyone else’s.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol, Keren, Zoe, Maya are in the car) -
Errol: It was getting to the end of the year, and Mai Tais had handed in her choices for University. McMaster was her first choice, Guelph was second, and, uh, what was your third, Mai Tais?
Zoe: It was UoT.

Panel 2 -
Errol: Why are you answering? And I hear UoT is stressful, bordering on toxic.
Zoe: People I know who go there are not happy.
Maya: But then I'd be in Toronto.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Oooh! Then you can live with us! We'd prefer you over Zoe!
Zoe: She doesn't want that. Although, then I could visit Mai Tais.

Panel 4 -
Errol: And we could do math any time!
Zoe: She won't be hanging out with you.
Maya: Ummm, I don't really like math.

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