Have I said my phone is the oldest model out of all the children and it works fine?

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: It's been over an hour, do you know what phone you want?
Zoe: I don't know!

Panel 2 -
Errol: Look, you have a Pixel. Do you want the latest model?
Zoe: I don't like my phone. It doesn't take great pictures.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Yes, but when we upgrade it, the camera will be better.
Zoe: And Google maps stopped working.

Panel 4 -
Errol: Yes, all solved by an upgrade. Do you want the latest model?
Zoe: I don't know!
Errol: You're killing me, Dough-Dough.


  1. All phones can be researched online. Have you considered that the main point of taking a long time deciding might be to troll you? If at any point Zoe suggested that you were the only one who needed to join her, then please swap out “might be” and replace it with “is definitely”.

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