The first floor is not the same as the main floor in Greece. So when I read it was on the second floor, I went up only one flight of stairs.

Ekko, who took the elevator, pressed two, and arrived on the second floor.

There was much confusion.

↓ Transcript

Panel 1 (Panels are dark) -
Errol: This key isn't working.
Ekko (from above): What floor are you on?
Bingo: The second!

Panel 2 -
Errol: Come on..."Work for me, broom."
Ekko (from above): I'm on the second!
Bingo: So are we!

Panel 3 -
Ekko (from above): No you aren't!
Errol: Hold on, someone's opening the door.

Panel 4 -
Errol: Oh dear! I'm so sorry. Wrong floor.
Ekko (from above): I told you!!

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