I was shocked Zoe would be willing to be seen in a restaurant with me. What if her friends were there by coincidence. That would be awesome…for me.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Keren: Zoe, I got you tourtière and made spaghetti sauce too.
Zoe: If we go out to eat, I can drive somewhere.

Panel 2 -
Keren: Sorry, Zoe. We'll have the car.
Zoe: Oh.

Panel 3 -
Keren: You can always take the bus together.
Zoe: I'm good.
Errol: Let's not go wild here.

Panel 4 -
Ekko: Ha ha ha. Can you imagine? Zoe and dad on the bus alone together?
Zoe: No.
Errol: I'd rather not.

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