Originally, I would make myself a hot chocolate. However, I figured drinking hot chocolate constantly throughout the night would give me more sugar than I could handle. In the end, I just drank hot water. It was comforting!

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Errol in a parka on the phone) -
Leezet (from phone): Aren't you cold while talking to me?
Errol: I warmed up first in the lodge.

Panel 2 -
Leezet (from phone): There's a lodge?
Errol: Yeah. You can buy snacks and get hot drinks!

Panel 3 -
Errol: We're also assigned a teepee which has hot drinks too!

Panel 4 -
Leezet (from phone): Where's Keren?
Errol: Not in a place with hot drinks.

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