I think the show is going to be live, so I can’t watch it on Zoom. Admittedly, Zoom tap dancing, with each person on their own individual screen, was pretty horrific.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Keren: I got you some bagels and english muffins, and there is another loaf of bread for Zoe.
Errol: Seems like you want us to survive on toast.

Panel 2 -
Keren: I also got you eggs and salad.
Errol: Now we're talking! By the way, is there anything I should know about Zoe's schedule?

Panel 3 -
Keren: She has tap on Friday after school.
Errol: What? She has tap on Fridays now?
Keren: Since she's graduating, there's an extra performance for the final show.

Panel 4 -
Errol: Awww, man. Do I have to go to that?
Keren: So supportive.
Errol: I can be supportive from home!

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