Comic #66 – “Evening Plans”


My poor fam, I may have been a bit preoccupied as of late with this puzzle hunt. Ah well. I was hoping to go to the Merrill to see some filk stuff, but I am going out for dinner with the family. Yes, I found the right answer! ^_^

In the meantime, I made Puzzle #3 a little bit harder than Puzzle #2. Wooo boy, who knows how that’s going to pan out…

Comic #65 – “Puzzle Discovery”

MNE_20150320_065I was going to put spoilers in this comic for the first puzzle but then thought against it. I’ll probably wait a few days before doing that. Hah!

And for those of you who are worried that Leezet has an advantage, she’s not eligible. That’s not in the rules, but she’s in Calgary and not eligible. I should put that in the rules for the Puzzle Hunt.

And good grief, there are a lot of people signed up for this. Huzzah!

Comic #64 – “Puzzle Hunt”

MNE_20150319_064Our Puzzle Hunt launched at 6am this morning! At least I hope it did. These comics are scheduled ahead of time and I’m not certainly getting up at 6 to see if the puzzle went off. But it should have. I tested it thoroughly.

I sure hope it has.

And I met an enigmatologist on twitter! HOW COOL IS THAT?!

Comic #62 – “Ekko Draws”

MNE_20150317_062I was so sick last night I went to bed as soon as I got home and had no time to draw the comic. So Ekko drew it. And her writing is pretty hard to read so Keren went over it in black marker. Huzzah!

Ekko kept in mind that it’s #TotoroTuesday too! ^_^

My scanner was not working, so this is a photo. Sorry.