Poor ducks. I’m sure if I said chicken, then they would have said the same thing. I should have faked them out, but I was running out of time to tell my joke.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 (Manpans, Errol, Maya, Kaelan, Zoe, and Ekko are in the car) -
Errol: Kay-Lan and Maya quickly put together a trap, and set it by the pond. They didn't bait it with anything, but before long, a duck, curious about the strange construction, walked in. The trap didn't close, but Kay-Lan swooped in and grabbed it.

Panel 2 -
Manpans: Finally.
Ekko: Finally.
Zoe: Finally.

Panel 3 -
Errol: What? What do you mean, "Finally"?
Ekko: You've finally started your joke.

Panel 4 -
Errol: You can tell the main joke has started because of a duck?
Manpans, Ekko, and Zoe: Yes.

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