I know there are other escape rooms called Escape 60. If you know one, it’s probably not the one she’s angry about. 😀

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Leezet: Are there any escpae rooms you want to do?
Errol: A few new companies have opened! We can try them!

Panel 2 -
Leezet: Good. As long as we don't do Escape60. I hate that place.
Errol: We've done worse.

Panel 3 -
Leezet: Pretty sets but stupid puzzles? No thank you.
Errol: It was just a couple of puzzles.

Panel 4 -
Leezet: It was ****ing stupid. I'll never go back.
Keren: Are you sure you like escape rooms?
Errol: We do!


  1. That’s not the whole story but I have definitely called it f***ing stupid. I don’t get angry when it’s stupid puzzles. I get angry when puzzles are unfair but escape rooms double down by saying it’s just “challenging”. Like puzzles that are entirely colored-based and they make the room dark with one poorly-functioning flashlight to make it “difficult”. That’s not “challenging”. That just makes us struggle for no reason. Or like with Omescape where they made things ambiguous and told us we just have to review our math skills. Like seriously? That’s when I get angry. Escape rooms are for our entertainment, not to stroke someone’s ego about making a room “challenging”

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