A lot of people had problems with the first puzzle. If I were to do it again, I would have changed one thing. Or two. Maybe a bunch of things.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 - Manpans is at her computer.
Manpans: OK! I can do this. I can do an Errol puzzle hunt.

Panel 2 -
Manpans is at her computer with a determined look.

Panel 3 - Ten minutes later...
Manpans is at her computer with a frustrated look.

Panel 4 -
Manpans: I'm failing to see which part is easy in this.
Errol: This is why I'm not popular with a number of people at the moment.


    1. Puzzles are supposed to be challenging, not impossible 😉

      Think of math. Even if you love math (guilty!) algebra will be impossible to someone learning arithmetic; calculus will be impossible to someone learning algebra.

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