I’m one day behind now. Will catch up tomorrow. I’ve been doing two MNE comics a night to catch up. And I’m trying to do two NaNoToons comics too. I’m pantsing them. We’ll see how THAT goes.
Character: Ekko
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
Comic #1018 – “Divas in Montreal”
Comic #1017 – “Road Trip Singing”
Comic #1015 – “NaNo Looms”
Comic #1013 – “Boy Talk”
Zoe will be the first tell you about the factual errors in this comic. For example, it wasn’t Keren who knew about this, it was Ekko. However, none of us could recall how the conversation started. So this was good as I could get, and besides, Zoe is always upset when Mommy tells me things so it’s a great way to solidify that.