We’re only on the second trial, and soon, the kids will be off and I’ll be on another Bachelor week! I’ll probably get a lot of things done. Or do a lot of escape rooms. One of the two…
Our podcast will be late, sadly. I still don’t know what song to sing either. Any suggestions?

Manpans, Ekko and I went to see a crazy Asian film for Manpans birthday: “For a Few Bullets”. It was pretty crazy and silly and totally nonsensical but we had a lot of fun!

The children argued for a lot longer but you get the gist.

I don’t think it will be released this weekend, but it will be released soon. I don’t know why Ekko and Zoe wanted to see it though, they’re not in it. Of course, they gave all sorts of grand ideas of how they can be in the credits…

I’m not too sure when we’ll find time to see it because I probably should show her the first one! I wonder if that’s on Netflix. I should get her to watch it…