Comic #81 – “Car Conversations”

MNE_20150406_081You know, there is an awful lot of this type of talk in our family but I spare you from it. And I will continue to spare you, but sometimes, I should give a more accurate portrayal of what happens…

Yesterday and today all happened in one car trip. I could fill a week’s worth of comic’s from that one trip which only lasted an hour.

Comic #80 – “Car Trips”

We were up at our friend’s place again, and we had a huge Easter Egg Puzzle Hunt, which I try and do for Easter now. It took them an hour to solve and about three hours for me to make.

But we all had a great time, and we ate lots of food, and I didn’t die from the cat. Although, I started to near the end of the day.

Zoe was insane in the car.

Ekko’s Semi-Formal


Ready for a Semi-Formal

There’s no comic today, I figured people who don’t have Facebook may want to see the real results of the TARDIS dress that Keren made.

This is Ekko without her Bad Wolf hat.

When I first got my mac, I filled it with all sorts of pictures to cycle through as the desktop background. That was five or six years ago. And now, both Ekko and Zoe have grown so much.

And I will sit at my mac and stare at the pictures when they were so young.

Thirteen years. She’s become so tall, and responsible, and someone I’m very proud of and love dearly.

Anyway, don’t worry folks, not all posts will be this sentimental and cheesy. I just want to brag about my daughter’s TARDIS dress. ^_^