Comic #166 – “Gel Pen”

MNE_20150630_166Manda bought the girls a Nancy Drew game, “The Shattered Medallion” for graduation. We were installing it. I thought Zoe would enjoy drawing on her arm with gel pens. She had a gel pen, but Ekko apparently took it to school. And thus, this conversation.

That middle arguing part? It went for much, much longer.

Comic #161 – “Braggarts”


Ekko won a Drama award at school and was crazy excited. She’s actually quite good at organizing these things and putting the production on. I’m impressed.

Zoe…is not so impressed.

I’m pretty sure this is not how you parent this situation.

One thing I’m proud of, intentional or not, Zoe thinks being in this webcomic trumps being on wikipedia. That’s my girl! ^_^