Honestly, I don’t know why we venture out in a vehicle if it’s just Leezet and I. I have a horrible sense of direction. And I don’t think Leezet knows where’s she’s going half the time.
We get it from our dad.
Eldest child of Errol’s. She likes Kdramas, games, meat, and screaming at the TV.
Did you get a chance to play the cat game yesterday? Hah! So funny.
I hate asking for hints, I want to do a room on its own. When I have to ask for a hint and it ends up being a lack of searching on our part, frustrates me to no end.
And here? Well, that was rather unfair if you ask me.
Btw, if you’ve noticed on EscRoomAddict a review for a Calgary Escape Room, note its high rating. We loved that room and the one in this webcomic is not the same room.