Comic #24 – “Highschool Rejections”

Ekko doesn’t really whine or complain about things, and she didn’t complain about this either. Her alternate choice is a good school and I’m not worried about that at all. But she had her heart set on her first choice, and because she did, so did I.


Anyway, this afternoon I’m going to a Filk Circle at the Bakka Book store! I hope to bring my knitting! ^_^

Comic #23 – “Uncouth”

You know, I really should explain more in the About and Cast pages the setting in this comic. I remember reading Meli’s first encounter of D&E and how she mentioned that she was confused by almost all of it.

I don’t even know if I have new readers. I may have at least one. That’s only a guess because every time I tweet Her Interactive about a web comic, they retweet it. And then the tweet gets favourited. So who knows, maybe a Nancy Drew fan has come and wondered what on earth this webcomic was and then left in frustration because it makes no sense.

How is my FAWM progress you’re wondering? Well, uh, I at least log on to the site. I thought of a melody and sang it into my phone. It was really only six notes. I’m doing abysmally.

Comic #21 – “Comeback”

Ekko will sometimes come to me and tell me certain comics she finds funny in my previous webcomic, D&E. If anything, I at least made her laugh. In fact, I think my girls and my wife find this comic entertaining. So as long as I have an audience of three, it’s time well spent.

Talked to Peter of Rock, Paper, Cynic on twitter today and I asked him for advice on layout. He gave me a whole slew of suggestions so when I get time I hope to implement that. (For example, I know I have no archive, I will work on that!)

And finally, it was exciting to see Her Interactive tweet my comic. They are the ones that publish the Nancy Drew Games. I talk about the games enough, even though I’m supposed to be talking about Totoro!

Oh, and btw, those were Zoe’s exact words. Thank you, Zoe. Thank you.

Comic #19 – FAWM.ORG

I should be writing songs. I haven’t been. I did a buffer of comics though, that’s awesome!

And you know what? We can’t play Nancy Drew for the next two days! Or at least, for today. That means I could write a song tonight! Maybe. Or work on comics. Or work on my EscRoomAddict. We now do beta testing and room analysis reports. Yes, we do, I’m not even kidding. We go in and help consult on the rooms. We’re so weird.