Ms. Lee

Whoa. I caught up to today. Look at that. I would like to say that this arc is almost done, but it isn’t. There isn’t much happening other than board game playing, and more time with the Keegs, and Zoe coming down with Maya and… you know, there’s a lot of stuff I’m missing out on.

Oh well, if you haven’t read since the eleventh, here’s a link to April 12th.

Free Time

In the comic universe, Leezet answers the phone immediately. In the real world, she’s busy and has work to do so I have a hard time getting a hold of her!

Of course, I never call her for anything important, so I guess that’s better for her.

Tube Go!

In reality, there was a rope to help us pull ourselves. I didn’t think I could pull both of us, but surprisingly enough, it was easier than I thought.

I did take a video, and it was hard to take a video and pull the rope at the same time, and in the end, everything is blurry.

Tube Prep

You know, it would be easy to put in cold breath puffs while we talk. But that also sounds like a lot of work. Good thing I didn’t start that.