Comic #197 – “Book Launch”

MNE_20150731_197Tonight is the book launch of “West of Bathurst” written by my good friend, Kari Maaren.

I bought myself the hard copy and it’s huge! And it’s put together very well and I so want to do one but I doubt I have as many readers as Kari to warrant the cost.

Kari’s awesome! Congratulations, Kari! You’re amazing!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MANPANS! It’s her birthday today! I probably should get her a present.

Comic #195 – “Meet Up”

MNE_20150729_195It’s Manpans Birthday on Friday! HUZZAH! ^_^ I probably should get her something. Uh… what can I get her?

Usually, if it’s someone’s birthday, I ask Manpans what I should get the person.

If I remember it’s a birthday.

I’m awful at this.

Comic #194 – “Getting Work Done”

MNE_20150728_194I don’t hate Gilmore Girls, I find some of it quite interesting in fact.

But the “La La’s” are driving me crazy. Maybe if it was the late 90’s I’d like the “La La’s”… but not now. Probably not then either.

I was home later though because I was helping Kari at her West of Bathurst Book Packing party! I got my book too! It’s HUGE! ^_^ So Awesome…