Comic #61 – “Doubt”

MNE_20150316_061When Nancy Drew goes into the bathroom, she says weird things. One time, she sang a little tune that Zoe says in panel three. Ever since then, Zoe has been singing it out loud and proud. She made up a dance too.

Comic #60 – “Sacrifice”

This is the kind of diorama I would want to make. I may have spelled diorama wrong. I’m sick, so I’m not going to worry about it now. Zoe is still relentless about getting new shoes now.

I finished off a huge puzzle that I’m particularly proud of. Hah! I can’t wait to unleash this.

Comic #59 – “Will”

MNE_20150314_059It is one of my favourite episodes, actually. I have a few of them, but I do like this one. We also watched the Lodger and the first part of the Pandorica. Hard leaving that on the cliff hanger, but we had to go to bed.

Comic #57 – “Dark”

To be fair, no one was yelling out about Manpans. Had I a voice, we definitely would have been yelling out about Manpans. You let me down, Brian. You let me down. 😀

Anyway, I just went to Facebook to find the picture post of us, and then I got distracted and clear forgot why I went to Facebook. Good thing I had this tab open.

Anyway, if you get a chance to try out LockQuest, you should! It’s awesome!