Comic #32 – “Breakfast Conversations”

I don’t know how exact this is, but I sure tried to make the breakfasts close to exact. And our seating arrangements. Don’t know why. Although now that I think of it, I think Ekko and mommy were supposed to be closer to the front.

Anyway, we had an awesome time in Niagara! Stay tuned for our report of the room escape!

Comic #28 – “Weekend Plans”

Who put Family Day near my anniversary anyway? For those that don’t live in Ontario, we have an official holiday on February 16th called Family Day. It’s pretty awesome! Long weekend!

My anniversary is on the 14th. Usually, I spend time with Keren. Zoe intercepted those plans…

Comic #27 – “Saggle”

MNE_20150210_027Ah, FAWM. Where else can I express myself so freely?

Completely off topic, I’ve been wondering, are there many G-rated webcomics out there? I’m starting to think that because newspapers required it, most webcomics have been free to explore the freedom of an uncensored internet.

Which means, in the niche of webcomics, I may be one of the few mythic rares that is G-rated. I should capitalize on that.

I think Kari’s is G-rated too.