I don’t know why I didn’t talk about NaNoToons back then…
Character: Kari
Kari has a webcomic and is also a geek musician.
Comic #1373 – “Upcoming NaNoToons”
You know, I wonder if I ever need to explain things in the comic.
Kari Maaren is an author. She won an award for her novel! She also has a webcomic called It Never Rains.
I draw NaNoToons for NaNoWriMo.
The term “pantsing” in NaNoWriMo means to make it up as you go along.
And now you know the rest of the story.
Comic #1254 – “Attending Ceremonies”
Comic #1092 – “Kari Maaren Party”
Swiss Chalet is the best. Whenever I meet anyone new, or from out of town, and we want to talk about escape rooms, or puzzle design, or music, or NaNoWriMo, or whatever, I suggest a Swiss Chalet. It’s quiet, never busy, and I can drink all the ice tea in the world. It’s awesome. And I love coconut cream pie too.