I was going to continue the board game weekend arc, but then Zoe said this last night. There were a lot of funny moments last night when our power went out. I don’t know why Ekko was so hungry, but she ate non stop.
There were a lot of funny moments at board game weekend as well, but now they will be lost forever. Mike! Remember them all!

Zoe didn’t play that many board games with us that day. She hates playing Codenames with me. But Team Elumir did square off with Team ManYuan near the end… it was nail biting!

I’m fortunate that both kids like baking and making me eggs. Not that they had to make me eggs, but it does make me happy. I also took Ekko to 401 games to buy some board games. She was quite excited about that.
I haven’t bought a board game since Christmas! Ok, that doesn’t sound like a long time, but I stopped my board game splurging ways when Zoe was born. I used to have a board gaming webcomic too. Wow, that was years ago before I had children…

I woke up early yesterday because I went to bed early. I had breakfast at home: bacon and eggs. It was glorious.

Good thing Ekko had a comic for me. I was exhausted last night! Gosh, don’t know what’s wrong with me! Went to bed at 10pm! I’m getting old…