I think I could figure out what “Top of the 8th” means. I know it applies to the inning. But… when it’s at the top? Three strikes? That doesn’t really indicate top of anything. I have no idea.
Character: Keren
Keren is married to Errol, some wonder if under duress. She is the mother of Ekko and Zoe. She is a nurse and a saint.
Comic #282 – “Boardgame Night”
Comic #281 – “Facts of Life”
Who remembers that show? Anyone? I was singing it out loud at the Pho Restaurant.
Of course, I forgot the words for the other verses so I had to look it up.
Her uncle and aunt were with us, but I didn’t have time to draw them. One day, they should be in here.
Tonight, I’m taking her to Snakes & Lattes for boardgames!