Comic #239 – “Good Morning”

MNE_20150911_239Some may wonder why Manpans is here. As you may or may not know, she’s my tenant, and we work in the same area, so we bus together.

She’ll usually come up when I’m saying goodbye to my wife, or maybe I’m late and then she’ll see me excited to see my wife.

And now, Zoe has interrupted this wonderful tradition. Kids…

And hello all you readers of the comic that I didn’t know were reading! ^_^ Official welcome from me!

Comic #234 – “Birthday Gift”

MNE_20150906_234Oooh, I was going to write something here, and then that reminded me of a conversation I had with Keren about her birthday on things to do and then I realized that would be a good comic and so I’ll just leave that here to remind me for when I do that comic.

Ugh, it’s late, and that probably didn’t make sense. I should do comics before 12am.