You know, there is an awful lot of this type of talk in our family but I spare you from it. And I will continue to spare you, but sometimes, I should give a more accurate portrayal of what happens…
Yesterday and today all happened in one car trip. I could fill a week’s worth of comic’s from that one trip which only lasted an hour.
We were up at our friend’s place again, and we had a huge Easter Egg Puzzle Hunt, which I try and do for Easter now. It took them an hour to solve and about three hours for me to make.
But we all had a great time, and we ate lots of food, and I didn’t die from the cat. Although, I started to near the end of the day.
Zoe was insane in the car.
And tonight, Ekko has her semi-formal. I wonder how it will go. There is a lot of…emphasis put on this. Some kids go in limos. My kid is showing up in a TARDIS dress. This will be glorious. I wish I could be there to take pictures.
This happened, Zoe started critiquing how Keren spelled “Doctor”. For the record, I have never told Zoe how to spell it. They find all this stuff on the internet. That’s disconcerting…
I am proud that Ekko wants to go in a TARDIS dress! I wish we had time to do some super fancy thing, but alas, it’s this Wednesday.
And yes, this hammers home that I have a teenage daughter. When I was younger, I didn’t think I’d get married, let alone have kids. I’m getting old…