Ms. Ibble

I haven’t done one of these in a while! I’ve done many of them, btw. Every time I call Leezet, which tends to be a couple of times a week.

More Calls with Leezet

As I mentioned before, Leezet is normally busy with all of her different jobs. She doesn’t answer as promptly as this.

In real life, these phone calls were more spread out over weeks, as opposed to days in this comic.

Ms. Lee

Whoa. I caught up to today. Look at that. I would like to say that this arc is almost done, but it isn’t. There isn’t much happening other than board game playing, and more time with the Keegs, and Zoe coming down with Maya and… you know, there’s a lot of stuff I’m missing out on.

Oh well, if you haven’t read since the eleventh, here’s a link to April 12th.