My dad knows how to get on Zoom. He just doesn’t want to try and teach it to seniors. I don’t blame him. I don’t want to try and teach it to my sister.
I don’t use Facetime that much so I couldn’t even walk her through things. I don’t even know if she has an iPhone or not. Tech is hard.
I get snippets from Manpans about conversations, but I never get the exact specifics. So I make up specifics. I’m pretty sure it’s pretty accurate, but there’s probably more Manpan love talk.
Did I have a comic about buying Keren glow fish for her birthday? I can’t remember. Glow fish are cool.
I don’t know how to spell Kpop. Is there a dash in there? Probably.
And they’re probably not called ‘bands’. They’re probably called groups. I have no idea.