Originally, this was going to be three comics, but again, it’s hard to keep confined to just three comics. 😀
Character: Leezet
Leezet is Errol’s seestair. She’s a doctor and probably wears a lab coat every day doing doctor stuff.
Zoom With Leezet
Warnings Unheeded
Leezet Spoilers
You know, one of the reasons I haven’t posted anything was because I wasn’t too sure what the next few comics would be. I have a couple of one-offs, but they required a bit of work and I was stalling.
And then I started the toilet roll thing, because I’ve been wanting to do this one for a bit. Of course, in my head, that was a one-off as well. It wasn’t an arc.
And then, because I had so many comics to catch up on, it became an arc. Good thing too. Ha!