Comic #1229 – “Museum Display”

On one of the floors of this museum was an exhibit of Frida Kohl’s work and also an exhibit called the Art of Asia. In between those exhibits, on a lone wall, was this picture.

We didn’t know there was a “Self Portraits” exhibit. Most of them were pretty artsy. This one… wasn’t.

It was quite jarring in fact. And if that was the intent, then it was very effective.

Comic #1225 – “Crushing”

There are multiple meanings to the title of this comic. They were crushing the puzzles. It was crushing to my ego. I like orange crush. Actually, I don’t, and it doesn’t relate, either.

Anyway, remember the comic a few days back when Leezet said she understood escape rooms now? She killed that room. Her and Ekko were destroying all the puzzles in there. I was stuck for a long, long, long time.

We won because of them.