Manpans wasn’t really sure why this was funny to me. However, when laid out in comic form, it made sense. I still think it’s funny because she was quite adamant about not having it on Tuesday.
Anyway, I don’t know who’s all coming, but board games! Huzzah!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who trolls the children. 😀
We have a slack chat where we chat all the time. We used to be on google chat, but google chat is annoying. Although, I found Franz, so I use it to bring it all together! It’s glorious!
And years from now, I’ll look at this post and have no idea what I’m talking about.
People are going to ask, “What Japanese game?” Danganronpa. It’s like Phoneix Wright crossed with Battle Royale. It’s pretty crazy. With a LOT Of dialogue.
Huzzah! I’m excited to go to the Doubleclicks concert this Friday! ^_^ Peter of Rock, Paper, Cynic is performing as well, so it will be a night of awesome!