I do this all the time. Pauvre Manpans. I’m awful at directions though. Of course, Manpans is just as bad at directions as I am. We’re a sorry pair in the car.
Character: Manpans
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Comic #67 – “Steganography”
This stupid thing is taking over my life. Why are my hobbies so time consuming? ^_^
Anyway, anyone doing a Puzzle Hunt? The Errol hatred is surprisingly low this time around. Just wait until next week…
Comic #65 – “Puzzle Discovery”
I was going to put spoilers in this comic for the first puzzle but then thought against it. I’ll probably wait a few days before doing that. Hah!
And for those of you who are worried that Leezet has an advantage, she’s not eligible. That’s not in the rules, but she’s in Calgary and not eligible. I should put that in the rules for the Puzzle Hunt.
And good grief, there are a lot of people signed up for this. Huzzah!
Comic #64 – “Puzzle Hunt”
Our Puzzle Hunt launched at 6am this morning! At least I hope it did. These comics are scheduled ahead of time and I’m not certainly getting up at 6 to see if the puzzle went off. But it should have. I tested it thoroughly.
I sure hope it has.
And I met an enigmatologist on twitter! HOW COOL IS THAT?!
Comic #63 – “Puzzle Hints”
That’s right, our Puzzle Hunt starts on Thursday, and there are some pretty sweet prizes for those of you in Toronto. Some of the top Escape Rooms have sponsored us with PASSES! It’s awesome!
And this time, you can be in teams. In fact, I would suggest you find a team.