It’s sad when I have to explain comics. Admittedly, yesterday’s was rough.
Character: Manpans
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Comic #1506 – “Start of the Silence”
Comic #1503 – “Cryptex Support”
March 1st is International Cryptex Day, so we launched our puzzle hunt on that day. There were a lot of help chats coming in. Most of them wanted hints. I didn’t know the answer to the majority of the puzzles, so I couldn’t even give hints if I wanted to.
Comic #1499 – “Recruitment”
Comic #1494 – “What Did We Do?”
So, for those that have been checking, my apologies on how late things were. There’s a reason for that, and I will probably have an arc on it, but it took me too long to get back to the comic. And I’m still behind. Whoo boy, I have a lot to catch up on.
Thanks to everyone who was worried. At least I know if I go off the map, someone would notice. 😀
And for those that are interested, we last left off on Comic #1484