It was a night of escaping for us! So fun!
Character: Manpans
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Comic #1465 – “Board Game Rules”
Comic #1461 – “Ideas”
Comic #1460 – “Immersive Events”
I am always for more innovation when it comes to escape rooms and immersive events. But I can be so critical of them too…
Oh yes, the comic catchup starts up at Comic #1457.
Comic #1455 – “Sim Family”
Although Zoe won’t let me SEE the new family. It’s squirreled away in her laptop.
Oh! By the way, I got Brian (owner of server) to take a look at stuff and he made some changes. I also learned that there was a huge brute force attack on the server in December. Why on earth would people want to get in here? If they plan on putting comic material up for me, I’d be game.