Is this going to be a long arc on Sims? Yeah. Probably.
Character: Manpans
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Comic #1432 – “Working Late”
I had to do the Christmas video for my work! 😀
Comic #1426 – “More Podcasts about Errol”
Huzzah! I was fortunate to have our talk span two podcasts! Ha ha! Check out #15 in Casey’s podcast.
Of course, you may be more interested in the other intervieweee, and that’s ok!
Comic #1424 – “Christmas Gifts”
Comic #1416 – “Interviewing Errol Still”
Still continuing the stealing-from-slack-conversations tradition. I’m sure Keren isn’t enjoying these comics. And yes, it’s the third comic milking my interview with Casey Palmer. Ha ha ha!
And for those of you who want to know where I last left off, it was December 1st.
I’m also thinking of putting these on my instagram account. Although I realize the layout isn’t that great for that format. Oh well. I will still try!