You know, a teacher from that school may be reading this. Uh oh. IT’S ALL IN GOOD FUN!
To be honest, I did enjoy the video and seeing my Zoe laugh. ^_^ She’s growing up so fast…
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Ha! Comic 1234. I should have had something special with that. Oh well.
Anyway, every time Leezet reads a comic, she always has the ‘long version’. And she goes into way more detail as she describes the events. She’s a bit like Zoe in that. Of course, Zoe doesn’t read the comics. She’s probably too concerned it’s not exactly how it happened.