The nieces came down for March break again! They usually go to a variety places, like the ROM, skating, Sky Zone, street meat. I don’t really know since I’m at work.
Character: Manpans
Manpans real name is Manda. She’s anxious. She has her own blog and the title of this comic was inspired by her. Her favourite video games are Myst, Portal 2, and Legend of Zelda.
Comic #1156 – “Mike’s Bachelor Week”
Comic #1151 – “Puzzle Hunt Communities”
The Cryptex Puzzle Hunt all took place within a MUD, a Multi-User Dungeon. Think of it like World of Warcraft but all in text. I liked to describe my puzzle hunt as Ready Player One with no graphics but better puzzles.
It was fun too, we say a Parzival and a Kirito in the MUD. Ha! Those are nerd references.
In the end, our goal was to make something epic, and for the most part, I think we succeeded. 😀 So I’m very pleased about the hunt. But oh so tired.
And now I’m all caught up on comics. Wow, I left it since Friday! Four webcomics all pushed out just now. So sorry.