Sorry about the late post again. I haven’t been home that much since the server issues, and I think my home computer will no longer load this website, but I have to investigate further. That means I can’t upload the comic until the next day. I’ll figure it out.
Today’s comic was based on a conversation I had with Manpans last night. We went to Snakes & Lattes to visit Debs and Plat, and we played Mystic Vale and Takeno. I liked Mystic Vale a lot!
Oh! If you want to check out Comic #273, here’s a handy link.
If you play Hearthstone, use my email ( to friend me! Huzzah!
I think the server issues are behind us, btw! And yes, Nanotoons also started this past weekend!
The site was down so I had to share on twitter and facebook again, so sorry for the delays.
I did this comic while Mike, Ruby and Manpans were watching, since it occurred while they were there.
The website was down yesterday so I couldn’t post this comic! But I did post it on the facebook and the twitter.
And for the record, Keren didn’t drink alcohol when she was pregnant. 😀
This will be resolved tomorrow. I promise. I felt bad about not resolving it today, but then I thought, “Kari would prolong it!” So, uh, I’ll blame her. 😀