Comic #251 – “Judge”

MNE_20150923_251You guys are probably wondering, why DOES Manpans hang out with us? I honestly don’t know.

I haven’t had Mike in a comic in a while! Good grief! I blame the children, always vying for comic time.

BTW, I’m thinking I should promote my comic. What are some slogans I could use?

“A vapid, non-pretentious webcomic hipsters hate!”

“What if dad jokes were combined with geekery?”

“One man and his failed attempts at raising children.”

I need to work on these.

Comic #138 – “Old Meets New”

MNE_20150602_138Poor Mike. I wonder if the majority of his inbound links are from me. I bet they are.

By the way, if you were not an original D&E webcomic reader, these people may not be familiar to you.

Every day, I would open up a chat window and we would all be in it. We wouldn’t necessarily say anything but we’d all be there.

Some of usĀ upgraded to the new google hangouts chat, and not everyone did, and the chat died down.

And now, it’s up again.