Weird, I was positive I posted this last night. Oh well. RevoEscape had an escape room contest and we got second place!
We were in first place for so long, but to secure it, we would have had to do the game again and improve our score. And I didn’t think we could anyway. Hah. They’d need someone far more fit than I, that’s for sure.

Now that I’m getting closer and closer to today’s date, I’m starting to incorporate current events in the comic timeline. If anything, everything’s a rough estimate anyway. 😀

I play a lot of board games as of late. I’m trying to get them all in before Ekko goes to college.

It’s sad when I have to explain comics. Admittedly, yesterday’s was rough.

I can’t troll and solve at the same time!
Now, they didn’t really say this during the room. I learned all about it after the room. 😀