It was a whole ordeal, I hear. Too bad this wasn’t “My Neighbour Zoe”, else you’d be able read all about it.

Okay, the titles are getting pretty ridiculous now. I was running in to the problem of duplicate titles, and now I won’t be. However, if I keep this up, I’ll run into duplicate titles again.
I should just use numbers again. Or dates. Who titles webcomics anyway?

This weekend was a busy weekend for me (July 20). The girls are off to the cottage and it’s bachelor week for me. So I’ve been catching up on comics and playing board games!

She even bought new shoes. I didn’t make it into a comic, but there was one of the weddings we were at where her shoes fell apart because she didn’t want to buy new ones.

Back in the day, we were always asked to perform in one way or another. But now there’s a new generation who can be forced to do it. Hah!