There were at least five children involved in this, but I didn’t have time to draw them all in. Zoe was trying to pull the youngest, Emily (8), towards the clothes line, all the while both of them were screaming.
It was glorious. I’m such a jerk.
Youngest child of Errol. Embarrassed of her family. Her hobbies include rabbits and trolling.
I was debating putting my facebook post as a comic, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it easily, and in time. So this comic is about another facebook post my cousin memes posted of them. I really should get her in the comic…
Last night was the third beta test for our event, “Night at the Wedding.” Both my girls have small parts they need to be on top of. Manpans part will be fun to watch, I hope I get to see some of it.
It will be interesting this time around, we changed some things up. Hopefully it does well. 😀