Comic #72 – “Busy”


Wow. Yesterday, on Puzzle Hunt, I released a puzzle that was difficult a bit…aggravating for most.

Since Puzzle #7, I wake up early to make sure the puzzle went through. Yesterday morning Puzzle #8 was was fine, so I was relieved. A couple hours later, I checked the comments: no one had solved #8. That was strange, I didn’t expect that. I wondered if the password was wrong, or if I had done something in error. But everything was working.

By 9:00, I realized no one could solve the puzzle. I released a hint at 10am, and then again at 12pm. The second hint, people started to solve it.

There was still an insane amount of tweeting and email that followed! *laugh* Manda was at the helm answering all the tweets and emails so kudos to her.

And now, the upcoming puzzles are going to be quite difficult. We’ll see how that goes. ^_^

Comic #70 – “Insulted”


Well, my family is away on vacation for the next few days and so hopefully the puzzle hunt and the comics will be ok without my constant access to the internet.

Although, I will probably try and stay as internet connected as possible.

And yes, this conversation happened, just like you read it…

Comic #66 – “Evening Plans”


My poor fam, I may have been a bit preoccupied as of late with this puzzle hunt. Ah well. I was hoping to go to the Merrill to see some filk stuff, but I am going out for dinner with the family. Yes, I found the right answer! ^_^

In the meantime, I made Puzzle #3 a little bit harder than Puzzle #2. Wooo boy, who knows how that’s going to pan out…

Comic #62 – “Ekko Draws”

MNE_20150317_062I was so sick last night I went to bed as soon as I got home and had no time to draw the comic. So Ekko drew it. And her writing is pretty hard to read so Keren went over it in black marker. Huzzah!

Ekko kept in mind that it’s #TotoroTuesday too! ^_^

My scanner was not working, so this is a photo. Sorry.