I realized the title could be read as “Aw, there friends” and “Other friends”. I guess intonation in real life would help distinguish between the two.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: We're all going, mum! Bye!
Ekko: I'll stay with you, lola!
Lola: Are you lonely Ekko? You need to hang out with people other than your dad!

Panel 2 -
Ekko: I have friends, lola.
Lola: Zoe has Joy and Kiana.

Panel 3 -
Lola: Even your mom has a friend.
Keren: Even me...

Panel 4 -
Lola: You shouldn't just hang out with your dad all the time!
Ekko: I have friends.
Zoe: Do you really?

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