If Keren made these comics, there would have been far more comics about Yellow Knife itself. Instead, you got pictures of us in parkas in the dark, and conversations with my sister.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Hello!
Keren: We're home!
Ekko: What? The comic skipped so much!

Panel 2 -
Errol: Poor leetle Aychoes missed her dad!
Ekko: How was your trip?
Keren: On our last night, we went to a Filipino restaurant!

Panel 3 -
Ekko: Sounds yummy!
Keren: And there was a curling match playing on the TV, and the table beside us had a man from Nunavut who also loved curling, so we chatted.

Panel 4 -
Ekko: This anniversary trip sounds more like a mommy trip.
Keren: He had fun too!
Errol: There were heated seats!

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