In Greece, there was a distinction between horror rooms and riddle rooms. Having said that, the puzzles in the horror rooms weren’t bad at all. I they take into account the difficulty of puzzles in Paradox Project, which happens to be three hours of puzzling.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Offscreen: This room will start off dark, but you won't need your phones for light.
Errol: Uh oh. Don't cling to me Ekko.
Ekko: You said it's not scary!

Panel 2 -
Errol: It's not! If it gets dark, cling to Myra.
Ekko: I'm not going to cling to Myra.

Panel 3 -
Errol: It's not horror, right?
Offscreen: No, no. It's not horror. There's no actor. It's a riddle room.

Panel 4 -
Errol: Ah, cool. Thanks!
Ekko: What's a riddle room?
Errol: I don't know.

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