It was a fun and straight forward game. Without Leezet, there rarely is any shenanigans that happen in the game, and so I can’t think of anything funny that happened while doing the room.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: How did you like the escape room, Kay-Lan?
Kaelan: It was fun!

Panel 2 -
Kaelan: It was much better than the first room I did.
Errol: Yeah, I made sure to find a good room.

Panel 3 -
Errol: Zoe's a snob when it comes to escape rooms.
Zoe: All you do is complain if the room is bad.

Panel 4 -
Zoe: I don't even know why you do them since you complain about them so much.
Errol: That's part of the fun!
Ekko: Enough talk. Let's go home.

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