As mentioned earlier, we’re going to be BACK in Calgary this week. The next arc won’t be a Calgary arc, but I don’t know what it’s going to be.

Maybe it should be more K-Lan visits or Bachelor weekends because they left me alone a lot.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1 -
Errol: Well, we have to go.
Lola: I love you!
Zoe and Ekko: I love you, Lola!

Panel 2 -
Lolo: I love you too, Lola.
Lola: Oh, be quiet there.
Errol: See? It's not just me.

Panel 3 -
Lola: Come and visit again. I love you.
Ekko and Zoe: We will.

Panel 4 -
Lola: If you don't come visit...I'll...I'll kill you.
Errol: Wow. Old people are harsh.
Zoe: We'll make sure to come before we're killed.

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