‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(3) Next › Last ›› July 3, 2018 by Errol·3 Comments Our performance went pretty much like this. She did great though! ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(3) Next › Last ››
For Errol’s sister Liz. The actual conversation was Errol asking the person in charge of the concert if they had time for 2 more songs. At which point Zoe said “There would have been enough time if you hadn’t kept talking so much.” Reply
For Errol’s sister Liz. The actual conversation was Errol asking the person in charge of the concert if they had time for 2 more songs. At which point Zoe said “There would have been enough time if you hadn’t kept talking so much.”
This is true. 😀
You read my mind, Peter.