‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(1) Next › Last ›› December 20, 2018 by Errol·1 Comment I’m sure I had a comic about this already. But I could find it. How do real comic web artists keep track?! ‹‹ First ‹ Prev Comments(1) Next › Last ››
Other web comic artists add tags to each strip, such as tags for each character in this day’s comic, as well as the topic and/or storyline arc name of it. 🙂 See http://threepanelsoul.com/ as an example. Reply
Other web comic artists add tags to each strip, such as tags for each character in this day’s comic, as well as the topic and/or storyline arc name of it. 🙂
See http://threepanelsoul.com/ as an example.