MNE_20150910_238This was my conversation with Ekko on the phone as I was walking to the gym. I took a late lunch because of work meetings, and on my lunch, I go to the gym. At least… I’ve started doing it again. My legs are sore.

Anyway, I can never get information from my children.

So, can you do me a favour? Can you comment and tell me how you found this comic?


  1. I have the superpower to find amazing webcomics!! Seriously though the path went CBC Sesrchlight -> Debs and Errol -> Here. And glad it did!

  2. A wyvern at school! ๐Ÿ˜€ As for how I found your comic, I just logged into Facebook, and there it was. ๐Ÿ™‚ Okay, I followed you here from Debs & Errol, which I found through your Youtube Nanowrimo songs and Nanotoons. Does that make me a comic stalker?

  3. I could not help but continue following you after finding you via your work tutorial videos (and my subsequent research to find out what kind of band you would have.) Enjoyed the Debs & Errol comic very much (sad it has ended), but love this comic diary of you and your family and many friends.

  4. Bc I was reading it on my phone I was scrollinv frame by frame and for some reason I was expecting another frame for a final beat.

    Just posted this bc of yout request fot feedback. Have a good one Errol. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I hear you! Seriously, sometimes it’s hard to restrict it to four panels… and then sometimes my family doesn’t follow through with a proper ending joke!

      I’m trying to shape these people to better fit within a sitcom or anime… ^_^

  5. I was searching on the internet for different ways to skin a cat, and for some reason it led me here.

    Or ditto what Heidi said.

    1. But… weren’t you in Saskatchewan? Do they have internet out there? Things probably have changed since I’ve been there (over 20 years)

      1. I also read this via Facebook. And I am in Regina. And we do have high speed internet thanks to Access Communications (gratuitous plug since John works there). We now have 3 Escape Rooms in Saskatchewan, and counting… So things have DEFINITELY changed since you’ve been here. But no, your kids are not weird since I get the same kind of responses to quick, “how was your day” questions. Take them for ice creams or slurpees at 10 pm and you find out a lot more.

        1. Hah! Ice cream at 10. That… sounds like a bad idea with my kids! ^_^

          And HUZZAH! THREE ESCAPE ROOMS! I should try ’em out!

          Although, all my family has moved away from Saskatchewan…

  6. Weird Al/Weird Al related reference to “Make It So” -> “Make It So” (youtube) -> D&E site -> D&E youtube songs (where gems like “Every Major’s Terrible”, “Wanna Be Your Asian”, “Super Dad 1&2” reside and are bookmarked for easy listening) -> back to D&E for the comic (intermittently) -> end of D&E but there’s a reference to MNE -> catch up with early strips and actually bookmark. Whew.

      1. If it is not to late to reply, it is the same with me. Only I don’t check on NaNoToons until October is halfway through so I am a little late with the discovery of your comic. I enjoy it though so I went all the way back from page 1.

    1. i got here the same way! and then i stopped reading web comics (completely!) for like… 5 months? and now i’m catching up on them all! just in time for nano again LOL

      1. Well you collaborated with Debbie Ohi on Nanotoons one year… and I’m a fan of her work, both as an illustrator and as a filker, so… It’s not an either/or thing

        1. Actually, the NaNoToons are technically Debbie Ohi’s creation! I just joined her because she’s awesome…

          And then I slowly took over … I do miss her though.

  7. My path kind of went Nanowrimo -> Nanotoons ->D&E -> Here

    I tend to not comment very much because I tend to be a bit of an introvert on the internets, but yeah! So excited for Nanowrimo to come again this year. ^-^ One of my favorite things to do every day during Nanowrimo is to check up on Nanotoons.

  8. Sorry for the late response, I was away for the last days and am just catching up.

    I guess, I also started at NanoToons, before checking out D&E and finally ending up here.

  9. Googled “Geek Comic” almost 2 years ago. Read D&E in about a day. Continued reading until it ended. Followed a link here where I continue to read, albeit somewhat sporadically.

  10. I can’t believe I missed this originally, but i feel I must post my route. (Just doing some re-reading.)
    Fwoosh …err, Karen –> D&E –> Here. Huzzah!
    But, oddly, my daughter (not that much older than your oldest) learned of D&E from her friend at school not long after I did.
    Which is really strange since we’re in New Jersey. I think Karen might have mentioned to you. ^.^

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